Friends of Ngaio Marsh house

The Friends of the Ngaio Marsh Heritage House want to re-establish their Friends base.
You may be aware that our long term president, Colin McLachlan, died in July last year. It was Colin who managed contact with our Friends organisation through a bi-annual newsletter. Since Colin's death the newsletter has lapsed, but we very much want to re-establish our Friends organisation.
Would you be interested to be a Friend of Ngaio Marsh Heritage House?
We would send you two newsletters a year to keep you up-to-date with happenings at the House. We would invite you to visit the House free if you bring other visitors.
We would tell you about up-coming events such as Ngaio's Birthday Party on Sunday April 24 (Tickets $25, Friends $20). This year the Birthday party will take the form of a lecture by well-known columnist and crime writing lecturer Ken Strongman, preceded by the usual social hour of wine and nibbles, in the Christ College Old Boys' Theatre.
The charge to be a Friend of the Ngaio Marsh Heritage House is by donation, minimum $10.
If you would like to become a Friend of the Ngaio Marsh Heritage House, could you please tell our Friends secretary E-mail [email protected] giving us your contact details.
You may send a cheque made out to The Friends of Ngaio Marsh Inc to 29B Hamilton Avenue, Ilam, Christchurch 8041 or pay into our Friends of Ngaio Marsh Inc account on-line 03 0855 0421 417 00 with your name as a reference. Please follow up with an email with your contact details if paying online.
We know there are people who become life Friends some time ago. Could you please tell us if you are one of them. We apologise for having lost contact with you.
Christchurch Heritage House Tour
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